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New youtube videos

New youtube videos
We have added two new mitral valve replacement videos and an aortic cannulation and decannulation video,
These add to our growing library of educational videos available on our youtube channel:

Proximal Anastamosis Parachute Technique CABG

Proximal Anastomosis: Tie Down Technique CABG Cardiac Surgery

Distal Anastomosis: Parachute Technique CABG Cardiac Surgery

Distal Anastomosis: Tie Down Technique CABG Cardiac Surgery

Hockey Stick Aortotomy and single layer closure CABG Cardiac Surgery

Transverse Aortotomy and double layer closure CABG Cardiac Surgery

Aortic Valve Replacement : Supra annular implantation with matress sutures

Aortic Valve Replacement : Intra annular implantation with everting matress sutures

Mitral Valve Replacement : Intra annular Pledgeted everting mattress sutures

Mitral Valve Replacement : Supra annular implantation with mattress sutures

Aortic Cannulation and Decannulation : Cardiac Surgical Skills Laboratory

As well as other videos. Visit our Youtube page here:


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