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New product launch!

New product launch!

We are proud to introduce the new Wetlab Coronary Skills Simulator to our range!

Our simulator has been used for many years in different forms as a staple part of anastomosis skills training and assessment by the medical industry and training organisations. Now, for the first time, it is available to purchase for individual use.

The Coronary Skills Simulator is a brilliant, tried and tested training aid aimed to give trainee surgeons the means for deliberate practice to develop their anastomosis skills.

The system has been designed and developed by Wetlab Ltd with versatility in mind. Once you screw the tilting plates into a Disposable Wetlab Station (sold separately) and position the simulator tubes, the plates can then be moved into different configurations to simulate a range of coronary anastomoses with varying difficulty.

You can practice end to end, end to side, side to side or sequential anastomosis with easy visibility. Alternatively, you can position the plates for an advanced experience that simulates a more realistic scenario where you are required to work down in deep, awkward angles inside a patient.

We have been working on this product for a while and we can't wait for you to try it!

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# +24 Thumbs Up Thumbs Down
Wetlab Ltd
Hi Dr. Bariq
You can order the simulators through our shop on our website.

Many Thanks

Quote 06 September 2022 15:13
# +36 Thumbs Up Thumbs Down
Dr bariq
How can I get it??
Quote 25 August 2022 11:53

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