UHCW Cardiac surgical skills course
03 February 2012
UHCW Cardiac surgical skills course 03 March 2012
at the West Midlands Surgical Training Centre, Coventry
UHCW Cardiac Surgical Skills Course
• Focussing on coronary artery revascularisation (top and bottom ends)
• Cannulation / Decannulation using realistic pulsatile aortic models
• State of the art purpose built surgical training suite with
- Fully adjustable operating tables and theatre lights
- High definition cameras at each table with zoom
In addition each candidate will receive a personal high definition recorded DVD of their work
to take home for their portfolio.
• Appropriate for CT1, CT2, ST3, ST4, ST5 level cardiothoracic trainees.
• Special Introductory and subsidised price of £100.
• 9-5pm Local + Invited consultant faculty.
• Free Car Parking.
• Food, Drink and refreshments provided.
To register your interest please download this application form:
or Contact:
Mr Khalid Mujahid for information
Email: khalid.mujahid@uhcw.nhs.uk
Telephone: 07400646344
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