Summarising Wetlab Ltd's 2011 As 2011 draws to an end and we look back at all the things we have done this year it's fair to say it's been a busy time for us. Wetlab has exploded on to the international scene, this year has seen us ship our Wetlab remote boxes to all corners of the globe supporting Wetlab events world wide. We have run up many miles across Europe taking our Wetlab direct service to hospitals and venues which is always a pleasure to do. We have quadrupled our storage space in order to be able to service ever increasing new requirements. Perhaps one of the biggest changes in 2011 was the ending of the exclusive sorin heart valve contract which has resulted in an enormous growth in business for us both in the UK and Europe from being able to work with all of the heart valve companies. We look forward to continuing working with Sorin, Edwards, Medtronic, St Jude Medical and Ethicon in 2012 as well as continuing to build the success of the National Wetlab Centre which is a joint venture between Sorin Group UK and Wetlab Ltd based in Gloucester. 2011 saw the accreditation of the National Wetlab centre courses by SCTS and we look forward to increasing the portfolio in the future. The SCTS meeting this year in EXCEL London was a major success and a credit to all the organisers in the society. We were there providing three Wetlabs on three different subjects, one of which was using Human tissue. We have great plans for next years meeting in Manchester. The 25th EACTS meeting in Lisbon was again fantastic, we provided a Wetlab for Edwards and a Wetlab for Sorin Perceval over two days and on the third day we pulled out all the stops and had two rooms with 42 stations. Again we look forward to seeing you in Barcelona next year. It was in Lisbon where we first tried our extension bases for the Disposable Wetlab stations for the first time. The extension boxes are collapsable like the Wetlab stations and allow for the surgeon to adjust the height so they can be used on a normal table, it made the EACTS Wetlab a lot easier for us. As well as the extension boxes or 'Lisbon box' as they have been dubbed, we have also been working on new simulator. The Disposable Wetlab stations have been improved upon and we will be releasing them early next year along with some new accessories for the Disposable Wetlab Station. As many of you will know, we have for a long time been supporting cardiology and CRM with Wetlabs primarily for St Jude Medical. We now also facilitate CRM Wetlabs for Sorin Group UK and Biotronik. Wetlabs range of services have developed as well. In order to assist both education facilities and individuals, we launched Wetlab Medmeat this year with the aim of providing high quality training tissue covering all specialities of surgery. We also introduced our Wetlab channel on YouTube featuring a range of cardiac surgery hands on ' how to ' style education videos as well as presentations from a few key speakers. The YouTube channel joins our Wetlab twitter, Wetlab facebook gallery and Wetlab user group in the list of Wetlab social networks. Finally, the Holby City fans amongst you may have seen our presence on the programme! We have been providing the prime time BBC 1 programme with equipment and advice on Wetlab procedures.
Next year we aim to develop a network of permanent Wetlab centres not only across the UK but across Europe. May 2012 sees Wetlab Ltd celebrate its 10th anniversary as a business, so we want to make next year our best year yet. Let us thank you for all your support and good will for the last 12 months and from myself and the Wetlab team we wish you seasons greetings and a happy prosperous 2012.