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EACTS Fundamentals in Coronary Artery Disease

In February we helped run the Wetlab sessions on the fundamentals in Coronary Artery Disease course at the EACTS Windsor offices.

The event was the first EACTS hybrid course that offers delegates the chance to participate both in person and online.

For those who attended the course in person, a great hands-on training experience was organised involving the chance to measure flow on graft material demonstrated with Medistim.

The second part of the Wetlab was focused on a range of different anastomosis techniques, with graft material and pig hearts.

There was also a harmonic scalpel area which gave delegates the opportunity to experience mammary artery (IMA) harvesting and grafting on porcine models.


Once again many thanks to the tutors, course faculty and team at EACTS for organising another engaging and content rich training course.




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